Will Maya Die In Beyhadh For A Leap?

Sony TV’s popular romantic thriller show Beyhadh is getting more gripping with every passing day. It’s twist and turns are just too unpredictable which raise the excitement level of the audience.

The ardent viewers know every ups and down of Maya and Arjun’s life, played by Jennifer Winget and Kushal Tandon. The show currently revolves around Maya’s miscarriage, as she once again lost her child.

And now as per reports, it is said that there will be a bigger twist in the upcoming episodes, which surely going to glue the attention of the viewers on to the show. Reportedly, it is been said that in one of the upcoming episodes, Maya will die. Hold on, it doesn’t just end there.

There is the biggest twist for you, according to sources, “In the upcoming episodes, the family will get the news of Maya’s death. Further, the show will take a time leap after which Maya will return in a new avatar to take a revenge.”

Drama and a lot of drama awaits for you. Though there is no one available to comment on the report, but yes, this news surely excites the viewers and the fans. Beyhadh aired on Sony TV from Monday- Friday at 9 pm.

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